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Blow-Fill-Seal Device
Design & Concept

The ApiLabs team envisions how Blow-Fill-Seal prefilled devices can overcome drug delivery challenges for patients everywhere

Designing Drug Delivery Systems Using BFS

All markets have drug manufacturing and delivery challenges. For example, in developed markets, pharma companies are looking for more efficient ways to deliver sterile liquid medicines; while in developing countries, healthcare providers often struggle to reliable supply all necessary essential medicines and vaccines to their populations.

The designers and engineers believe that drug delivery systems built around Blow-Fill-Seal aseptic filling technology  can make an enormous difference in overcoming these challenges.

Led by Marc Koska OBE designer of the K1 auto-disable syringe, the ApiLabs team is designing new prefilled systems for a wide range of drug delivery challenges. Once a prototype device has been finalized, we work with pharma partners to bring these solutions to commercial markets around the world.

Designing for All Markets

Our global team believes that the best drug delivery systems support all patients – not just specific markets or circumstances.

That is why every potential device is designed to meet a series of tests to ensure it delivers on the healthcare demands of patients and healthcare systems in a range of markets. These include frontline feedback from users and healthcare professionals, market research, and usability tests across demographics.

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