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Expert Content Library Project Profiles

Review the following Project Profiles and explore how we helped our customers achieve their business goals.

Project Profiles

  • December 9, 2021

    Project Profile: Fareva

    Increasing Vaccine Fill-Finish Capacity in France: 500M Unit Annual Capacity for Single-Dose Prefilled Vaccine Injectables

  • August 25, 2021

    Single-Dose Drug Delivery Fill-Finish Facility that is Scalable, Flexible, and able to Deliver up to 45M Units Per Month Delivered within an Accelerated Timeline of Fewer Than 7 Months
    Part 3

    ApiJect committed to creating emergency temporary fill-finish capacity for up to 45M doses a month of a candidate COVID-19 vaccine on BFS lines by the end of 2020. All of these BFS-packaged doses could then be used, if necessary, in ApiJect Prefilled Injectors for scalable, single-dose delivery.

  • August 24, 2021

    Solving Drug Challenges with Innovation, BFS, and a Technology Platform to Create Drug
    Delivery Systems
    Part 2

    Learn how ApiJect built its Technology Platform around BFS to create innovative drug delivery systems for the prefilled syringe market and other sterile liquid pharmaceutical delivery formats.

  • August 23, 2021

    BFS and Prefilled Syringes: A Solution for Complex Formulations
    Part 1

    Many countries, including the US, lack the necessary surge capacity to reliably fill-finish and deliver billions of incremental doses of injectable drugs and vaccines during bio-emergencies.

  • July 8, 2021

    Project Profile: The RiteDose Corporation

    In 2020, as part of the U.S. Government’s COVID-19 response, ApiJect™ entered into a long-term strategic partnership with The Ritedose Corporation (“TRC”). Together, they were able to make operational 45 million units per month of Blow-Fill-Seal fill-finish capacity for America’s COVID-19 response within 7 months out of TRC’s facility in Columbia South Carolina.

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