In the most recent installment of “From the Front Line,” Paul Rutter, MD chats with Mark Kamau, a human-centered designer residing in Nairobi. Mark specializes in designing products tailored to African and emerging markets, prioritizing user engagement and context to ensure that these products effectively serve their intended purposes.
Carles Fàbrega and Ed Kelley discuss the One Health agenda in this episode, which goes beyond the usual global health topics. One Health focuses on the connection between human and animal health and its implications for issues like antimicrobial resistance, vaccine development, and epidemics in the future.
We’re excited to have Heidi Larson, PhD, Founding Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project. She has also headed Global Immunization Communication at UNICEF. She’s an author recognized as one of BBC’s 100 Women of 2021, and a senior advisor to ApiJect.
In the first episode, Dr. Kelley is joined by global health pioneer, Michael Free, PhD, OBE. Michael Free retired from PATH where he held the position of vice president and senior advisor for technologies. He was the global program leader for Technology Solutions, which included assessment of need, technology development and transfer, global introduction, development of international standards, program planning and management, and policies.