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Marc Koska, OBE
Co-Founder & Head of Product Design

The inventor of ApiJect’s breakthrough BFS injection device is Marc Koska, a highly honored “social entrepreneur.” The Prefilled ApiJect Injector is designed for simplicity: Just prior to injection, a fill-finished Blow-Fill-Seal container and intramuscular needle hub are push-twisted together by a healthcare professional. Leading ApiJect R&D, Marc and his team design drug delivery system prototypes that can reliably serve both advanced and developing markets. Through feedback from patients and healthcare providers, Marc has a deep understanding of customers and in building healthcare partnerships. This feedback is the foundation of ApiJect’s Platform to ensure our single-use prefilled injector and future devices meet the needs of all. The ApiJect Platform of drug delivery devices is designed to optimize manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation, using advanced technology, deliver cost efficiencies and accelerating time to market, and most importantly, save lives.

In the mid-1980s, Mr. Koska invented the revolutionary K-1 auto-disable syringe, which prevented the spread of bloodborne diseases and infection by making the syringe impossible to reuse. It is believed his invention has helped to save more than 12 million lives. In 2005, he founded the nonprofit SafePoint Trust to educate children in developing nations about the dangers of employing used needles. Among many other honors bestowed upon Mr. Koska, he was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire for his “contribution to global healthcare.”

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